The peppery taste of a fresh radish spices up many dishes such as salads and coleslaw. Growing radishes is easy to do, and they are a quick growing crop, so you will be able to enjoy a harvest in just a few weeks.

Radish leaves can be eaten, and they are very nutritious. The leaves do become hairy as the radish plants mature, so mature leaves are more pleasant to eat when cooked.
There are lots of radish varieties, producing radishes of different shapes and colours.
Sowing Radish Seeds
Radishes will happily grow in garden soil or in containers, and seeds can be sown from springtime until midsummer. If you sow radish seeds every two weeks, it is possible to get a continuous harvest of radishes for many months.
There are many varieties of radishes, and good quality seed available from Thompson and Morgan
If growing directly in the garden, first prepare the soil by digging in some organic material, such as garden compost or well-rotted manure. Remove weeds and any large stones, then rake the soil to a fine tilth, or texture.
Make a drill in the soil, half an inch deep, in which to sow radish seeds. A garden cane pressed into the soil works well, and has the added bonus of creating a straight line without the need to use string.
Sow radish seeds thinly along the drill to prevent the need for lots of thinning out later, cover with soil and water with a fine rose watering can.

After approximately ten days, the radish seeds should have germinated and the seedling will begin to appear. When they are big enough to handle, thin them out so that there is approximately an inch between plants.
Don’t waste the radish thinnings! Add them, leaves and all, to a salad.
Growing Radishes in Containers
Growing radishes in containers is good when you do not have the space for rows of radishes in the garden.
Choose a pot or container that is approximately four inches deep, and has good drainage. Fill with a good quality seed compost. Sow radish seeds thinly, half an inch deep. Cover and water well, taking care not to disturb the seeds.
Just like you would in garden soil, thin them out as they grow.
Harvesting Radishes
It’s good to harvest radishes when they become large enough to be worthwhile eating. If you leave them for too long to get bigger, they can become woody.