Explore all the Let’s Grow Wild topics in more detail in my published works. Click on the links to buy or learn more. Thanks!
Smallholding: A Beginner’s Guide

Smallholding: A Beginner’s Guide is 275 pages of practical advice about smallholding for beginners, aimed at people who have access to land, as well as those growing produce in their back garden.
Contents include an A-Z growing guide for fruits and vegetables, topics such as buying or renting land, soil health, composting, fruit trees, pasture management, stock fencing; and detailed livestock information about keeping bees, caring for poultry, goats, llamas and alpacas, pigs, sheep and cattle, and the legal requirements that come with it.
Learn how to incorporate some self-sufficiency into your lifestyle and about making a profit, such as selling surplus home grown produce at the farm gate or farmers’ markets.
Foraging for Health
For thousands of years, human beings have been using plants for food and medicine, yet common knowledge of these special plants has become much more limited.
Eating wild foods is a good way to benefit from what nature has to offer. It puts food on your table for free, you get to enjoy eating plants that are full of nutrients and are as fresh as can be.
With so called ‘weeds’ often being sought after as gourmet seasonal greens in swanky restaurants, there is no stigma attached to eating these wonderful plants.
Foraging for Health – Hedgerow Plants and Fruits is a guide to edible wild plants commonly growing, and shows you the benefits they bring to your health.
Garden Planner and Logbook
Nature Journal

This Nature Journal allows you to record your experiences of being in the natural world, and your go-to log for tracking the details of your outdoor excursions.
Immerse yourself in the beauty of your surroundings as you record the date, weather, and location of each entry.
As you fill out the pages of Nature Journal, you’ll find yourself documenting your adventures, from unexpected encounters with wildlife to the hidden gems discovered off the beaten path.
Discover the joy of tracking your findings, big and small, and relive the excitement of each moment. Why was a particular day interesting? What made a specific location stand out?
This enchanting journal is more than a mere collection of blank pages – it’s a gateway to unlocking the mysteries of the natural world around you. It’s a sanctuary for your thoughts and a chronicle of your relationship with the natural world.